
Quality & EHS Policy

  • JSR will meet or exceed all quality and EHS expectations and applicable requirements by relevant interested parties
  • JSR will establish and monitor quality and EHS objectives in line with its strategic direction and continually improve its performance
  • JSR will mitigate pollution, climate change and resource depletion to the extent that it can control and influence 
  • JSR will provide a safe and healthy work place by preventing injuries and ill health emphasizing the hierarchy of controls
  • JSR will provide an environment in which all employees can participate in the decision-making process to improve the quality and EHS management systems

At JSR we strive to incorporate quality into everything we do.  It is central to our internal processes, our people, our interactions with customers and, therefore, the products we  produce.

JSR Vision of Quality

But what does it mean to be, have or produce "quality"?

Joseph M. Juran defined quality as "Fitness for Use" which implies that customers  and the marketplace define what constitutes value to them in a particular set of circumstances.  While meaningful, this does not necessarily define a plan of action, so Juran created two subsidiary definitions for quality:

Juran Definition of Quality

Design Quality (Features, Grade) - includes the guarantee that the products we create will meet the requirements of our customers.

Delivered Quality (Lack of Defects) - means consistency among our units and batches and requires planning and controls that ensure minimal defects and rework, claims, returns and complaints.

The culmination of this thinking and embracing this position on achieving quality lead to the creation of JSR's  quality charter.  

JSR Quality Charter

100% of the materials JSR ships  will function as expected in the customer's application, and will be delivered on-time and error-free.

JSR Micro is ISO 9001:2015 certified.